Biyernes, Oktubre 4, 2013

How Blow Molding Molded the World of Industrial Companies

A world without the existence of blow molding process is an unimaginable one. If you are not familiar with blow moulding process, just take a look around your surroundings – almost every item you can see is a product of this manufacturing process. Your keyboard, mouse, smart phone, monitor, air conditioner, eye wear, shoes, and basically almost all of the everyday things you could see are an offshoot of blow moulding. This is how important this manufacturing process is to people’s lives.

Now, can you imagine a world without this process? Maybe not. Blow molding is an important manufacturing process because it helps in the production and creation of countless materials and products. Without this process, many items would not the same as they are now, much would not be very functional at all. This is why blow moulding is an important piece in the manufacturing industry anywhere in the world.

The process of blow moulding is quite simple to comprehend. The process starts when plastic materials are melted, forming them into a parison or a preform (for injection molding and injection stretch blow molding). Basically, a parison is a plastic forming a tube with a hole in one end that would serve as airway for compressed air. When the process has produced a parison, it is compressed into a mold and air is blown into it to form desired shape. The air blown into the material forces the plastic to take the shape of the mold. After which, the material is left to cool down before ejecting it. The process’ simplicity is one of the main reasons why the manufacturing industry greatly depends on it. Also, it is the reason why mass production of materials produced by such process is possible.

There are at least three main types of blow moulding, which are extrusion molding, injection molding, and injection stretch molding. Each type serves specific purpose in the manufacturing of products and materials. Each one is unique from others but share the same concept and idea. Basically, each type is expected to mold materials and products that consumers and industry people could use.

Since this important industrial process was made popular, it has changed and reshaped the way of life of people, and to some extent, improved different facets of civilization. This is very apparent when this process was popularized in the manufacturing industry in the 1970s. Although this process is already possible during the 1930s, it was only widely used in the 1970s due to production limitations resulting from lack of raw materials needed for production. However, when it became a hit in the industry, it really improved the production line of many companies. Some of the early products that benefited so much from this process include plastic containers like soda bottles.

Today, blow moulding remains one of the most important processes in the manufacturing industry. Since the electronics industry has seen so much growth and development in recent decades, the process has its best days ahead of it. Cell phones, televisions, music players, tablet computers, personal computers, and other consumer electronic products are manufactured with the help of blow molding process. Because of this, companies providing such process continue to find success despite the tight competition in the industry and other economic factors. Thus, it is safe to say that this manufacturing process remains strong.

Blow molding did not only shape materials and products but the society as well. Without this marvelous manufacturing process, daily life can be more difficult and complicated. Products manufactured with the help of this process are proof of its importance in the society.